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党管干部既是我党我军干部工作的重要原则,也是新形势下党的建设必须认真回答和解决好的一个重要问题.当前,改革开放给社会各个领域带来了广泛而深刻的影响,党管干部也遇到了一些新情况、新特点,最突出的问题是各级党组织对干部的管理力度不够.要改变这种状况,就必须继承发扬党管干部的光荣传统,从以下四个方面加大力度.一、要纠正“首位不到位”的倾向,在管好干部思想上加大力度加强干部队伍的思想建设,是坚持党管干部第一位的任务,必须作为根本性环节来抓.在发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,干部的思想观念、价值观念和行为方式发生了明显的变化,少数干部受“酒绿灯红”腐朽思想文化的侵蚀,人生观、价值观发生偏移,拜金主义、享乐主义和个人主义有滋长.一些党组织的领导对干部队伍的思想建设重视不够,认识不到位,工作不到位,甚至片面地认为“干部中出现的问题不是教育没搞好,而是政策制度不完善.”我在部队调查时,就有不少同志反映,“现在关键是要把干部的实际问题解决好”.这种倾向必须引起我们的高度重视. Party members and cadres are not only an important principle for the work of our party and army cadres, but also an important issue that must be answered and solved carefully under the new situation.At present, the reform and opening up have brought widespread and profound influence on all fields of society. The party Cadre cadres also encountered some new situations and new characteristics, the most prominent problem being that the party organizations at all levels did not have enough management power over cadres. To change this situation, it is necessary to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of party management cadres. From the following four aspects First, to correct the “first place is not in place,” the tendency to strengthen management of cadres in the ideological and strengthen the ideological building of cadres is to uphold the party cadre task, we must grasp as a fundamental link In the new situation of developing the socialist market economy, the cadres’ ideas, concepts and behaviors have undergone significant changes. Some cadres have been displaced by the erosion of the decadent ideology and culture as well as their outlook on life and values. Money worship, hedonism and individualism are growing.Some leaders of the party organizations pay insufficient attention to the ideological construction of the cadres, lack of understanding, work is not in place, To the one-sided view, “the problems that emerge among cadres are not that education did not improve but that the policy system is not perfect.” When I conducted a survey on the armed forces, quite a few comrades reflected that “the key issue now is to solve the actual problems of cadres” This tendency must draw our attention.
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【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2014)8 -0107-02  初中一年级学生在刚接触英语时,出于对这一科的好奇和兴趣,很愿意学这一科。由于在学习上遇到一些具体困难得不到及时解决,以致问题成堆、积重难返,天长日久,便由喜欢到畏惧到厌恶以至最后放弃这一科的学习。  一、掉队原因探析  心理障碍是掉队的重要原因。造成学生掉队的原因可归纳为如下几个方面:
摘 要: 本文通过对高职院校动漫专业人才培养现状的分析,有针对性地提出了转变目前高职院校动漫专业人才培养模式的一些建议。通过人才培养模式的转变,高职院校能够真正地为社会培养出其需求的动漫人才,为动漫产业的发展作出贡献。  关键词: 高职院校 动漫专业人才 培养模式    一、中国动漫产业人才的需求  动漫产业是以“创意”为核心,以动画、漫画为表现形式,包含动漫图书、报刊、电影、电视、音像制品、舞台