
来源 :华东地质学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robinlaikankan
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四月十二日,以日本动燃团资源部部长桥本好一为首一行三人,来我院参观访问,并作了学术报告,解答了师生提出的学术问题。会后参观了三个实验室。八月二十四日,美国地质调查局铀、钍资源分部主任格劳及铀矿地质学家格兰杰、哈弗曼三人来院参观访问。十月二十九日,阿尔及利亚铀矿地质考察组以地质学博士 R·阿伯德哈利姆为首一行四人,来我院考察。并由 A·本哈桑那博士和 A·斯洛吉工程师介绍了阿尔及利亚铀矿资源和 On April 12, a delegation headed by Mr. Hashimoto Hashimoto, Minister of Resources of Japan’s Fuel Burning Group, came to our hospital for a visit and made an academic report to answer academic questions raised by teachers and students. After the meeting visited three laboratories. On August 24, Gula and the uranium geologist Granger and Havermann, director of uranium and thorium resources division of the US Geological Survey, visited the hospital. On October 29, the Geological Investigation Team of Uranium Geology in Algeria visited our hospital with a faculty member of R · Abbot Halim, Geology. Dr. Al-Hassan and Dr. A. Slojoshi introduced the uranium resources in Algeria and
 第二部分 排球战术训练理论与实用方法   一、排球战术的训练内容   (一 )排球战术   战术是技术在比赛中的运用与发挥。排球运动是集体隔网对抗性项目,运动员在比赛
一、单项选择题 !.C 2.A3.B4.A51 3 .B 14.D】5.B 16.t:17 二、多项选择题 1 .RCZBfD3.RC4ABC 10AB 11.}考(二D 12.B 6.C7.A8.B9AI().Cll.(二12.C ·1 8 C 19.B20.A.入B(;5 .
Come appare dal consueto sunto statistico l’attività dell’anno tra-scorso è stata piuttosto ridotta,almeno nel numero delle uscite.Inizial-mente ciòè sta
Nel gruppo sistematico della Cingulifera cingulata(Studer)il cui arealeinteressa oltre all’Italia settentrionale anche una parle dell’Appennino,si rilrova un
RIASSUNTO-Era le cellezioni botaniche del museo Civieo di Storia Naturale di Bresciafigura un interessante manipolo di orofite in maggioranza rare o endemiche,
容量法测定高含量钙一般用EDTA直接法和高锰酸钾法。前者,空白低,流程短,但指示剂易被杂质封闭,终点变化欠明 Volumetric method for the determination of high levels of