目的探讨彩超对妊娠期子宫肌瘤红色变性的诊断及鉴别诊断。方法采用GE Vivid-7、Vivid-pro,Vivid-730及阿洛卡彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,常规二维必要时兼用三维成像技术对子宫及病变区包块进行多切面扫查。选取自2005-01-2010-07在我院以妊娠合并下腹部疼痛来诊,超声检查发现下腹部有实性占位性包块,并高度可疑子宫肌瘤红色变性的患者67例。结果经手术探查确诊为妊娠合并子宫肌瘤红色变性59例,诊断符合率约88%。结论子宫肌瘤在妊娠期易发生红色变性,尤其是妊娠中期,尽管超声无特殊表现,但对于位于子宫前壁及侧壁的肌瘤,或虽位于后壁肌瘤体积较大者,综合其超声表现及彩色多普勒血流显示,再结合其临床症状易得出正确诊断,诊断符合率较高。
Objective To investigate the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of red degeneration of uterine fibroids during pregnancy. Methods Multi-slice scanning was performed on the masses of uterus and lesion with GE Vivid-7, Vivid-pro, Vivid-730 and Aloka color Doppler sonography. Selected from 2005-01-2010-07 in our hospital in pregnancy with lower abdominal pain consultation, ultrasound examination found that the lower abdomen had solid mass mass, and highly suspicious of uterine fibroids red degeneration patients 67 cases. Results Surgical exploration diagnosed 59 cases of pregnancy with uterine fibroids red degeneration, the diagnostic coincidence rate of about 88%. Conclusion Uterine fibroids tend to have red degeneration during gestation, especially in the second trimester. Although there is no special manifestation of ultrasound, the fibroids located in the anterior wall and the side wall of the uterus, or those with larger posterior wall fibroids, Ultrasound performance and color Doppler flow display, combined with its clinical symptoms easily come to the correct diagnosis, diagnosis of high coincidence rate.