Understanding the structural evolution of Au/WO2.7 compounds in hydrogen atmosphere by atomic scale

来源 :纳米研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haifeng123456789
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Hydrogen energy is a resuscitated clean energy source and its sensitive detection in air is crucial due to its very low explosive limit.Metal oxide decorated with noble metal nanoparticles has been used for the enhancement of gas detection and exhibits superior sensitivity.Understanding the intrinsic mechanism of the detection and the enhancement mechanism is thus becoming a fundamental issue for the further development of novel metal/oxide compound gas-sensing materials.However,the correlation between the microstructural evolution,the charge transport and the complex sensing process has not yet been directly revealed and its atomic mechanism is still debatable.In this study,an Au/WO2.7 compound was synthesized and exhibited a strongly enhanced gas sensitivity to many reductive gases,especially H2.Aberration-corrected environmental transmission electron microscopy was used to investigate the atomic-scale microstructural evolution in situ during the reaction between H2 and Au/WO2.7 compound.Swing and sintering processes of the Au particles on the WO2.7 surface were observed under heating and gaseous environments,and no injection of hydrogen atoms was suggested.First principle calculations verified the swing and sintering processes,and they can be explained by the enhancement of H2 sensitivity.
不少老年人夜间睡熟时常常发生小腿抽筋,以致痛醒。起床活动后症状减轻,再入睡后又抽筋,以致整夜不得安宁。小腿抽筋医学上称为“腓肠肌痉挛”,发生的原因很多。缺钙、贫血、下肢静脉曲张,营养不良、肺结核、心脏病等都可引起此症。尤其是老年人,由于局部血液循环不畅或代谢原料不足更易发生。  出现小腿抽筋首先不要紧张,轻者适当活动下肢即可自行缓解,疼痛剧烈者可热敷并按摩腓肠肌或用松节油揉擦局部,还可针刺承山穴,
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