1905年3月12日,星期一我们姑且不谈六十年前我的同学们的事儿,以后再谈。我对他们极感兴趣,我也不会永远把他们撇在一边。我对他们的兴趣虽说很大,目前也只得割爱,因为今天发生了一件使我感到更大的兴趣的意外事件。这件事是上星期五由我们驻菲律宾的军队的司令宫拍给华盛顿政府的一份官方电报透露出来的。内容如下: 一群摩罗人,黑皮肤的野蛮人,死守在离霍洛不多远的一座死火山的山谷里;因为他的是我们的死对头,而且由于我们八年来一度想剥夺他们的自由,他们对我们简直深恶痛绝极了,他们摆出那副严阵以符的姿态,对我们是
On Monday, March 12, 1905, let’s not talk about my classmates sixty years ago and talk later. I am very interested in them and I will not leave them forever. Although my interest in them is very large, I still have to cut off my love because there was an accident today that made me feel more interested. This incident was revealed last Friday by an official telegram to the Washington government by the commander-in-chief of our army in the Philippines. As follows: A group of Moroccan, dark-skinned savages clinging to the valleys of an extinct volcano not far from Hollow; for he is our enemy, and because we were for a time to be deprived of their freedom for eight years, They were so abhorrent to us that they put on a fratricidal gesture and for us to be