当兵为什么? 当官干什么? 共产党员图什么? 梅江河水滔滔,讲述着一个军人的故事;武陵山路弯弯,镌刻着一个共产党员的足迹。 这动人的故事,这深深的足迹,折射出秀山县人武部政委向明德的人生轨迹和崇高追求。有过6次荣立三等功的他,三次被评为优秀党员和优秀基层干部,2000年被总参动员部、国家农业部评为扶贫工作先进个人,2001年被重庆警务区评为优秀党员,
What is a soldier? What is an official? What is a Communist figure? Meijiang river surging, tells the story of a soldier; Wuling Shan Road curved, engraved with a Communist footprints. This moving story, this deep footprint, reflects the political commissar of Xiushan County People’s Armed Forces to Matilda’s life trajectory and lofty pursuit. He has been awarded 6 times the third class, he was awarded three outstanding party members and outstanding grassroots cadres. In 2000, he was evaluated as an advanced individual in poverty alleviation work by the General Staff Mobilization Department and the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2001, he was appraised as Excellent by the Chongqing Police District Party members,