前言: 中国经济体制改革这艘巨轮,朝着市场取向的目标,沿着放权让利的轨迹,采取先易后难、循序渐进的方式,从农村渐入城市,从特区、沿海渐入内地,从个体、乡镇,外资企业的创办渐入国有企业机制转换,从部分商品价格放开渐入指令性计划取消……历经15个春秋的艰辛跋涉,创造着举世瞩目的奇迹,推动着经济的飞速发展,迅速改变着城乡面貌,却也伴生出那么多令人痛心的顽症,付出了相当的代价。 回首15年改革开放的历程,人们不难发现:要发展,就要有速度;速度上来了,经济就过热;过热了就要调整,调整又降低了速度,……所有这些表明,旧体制中的核心问题以及“渐进式”改革中许多问题的“妥协性解决”和阶段性成果与日益发展壮大的企业机制和体系的磨擦和冲突,已到了绕不开、通不过、不能调和、互不相容的地步。 山重水复,步履匆匆,中国经济体制改革,又来到了一个十字路口:是按原有模式、对旧的经济体制作有限的、零打碎敲的改革,还是抓住重点、大胆突破,使改革在新的层面上推进? 历史不容等待,机会稍纵即逝。其有里程碑意义的党的十一届三中全会通过的《关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》,不失时机地为全国人民描绘了新经济体制的宏伟蓝图,制定了前进的行动纲领。这样的选择是不寻常的。其特征是:改革将
Foreword: The goal of China’s economic restructuring is to move from the countryside to the cities along the coast from the special economic zone and the coastal areas to the mainland and from the individual , The establishment of townships and foreign-funded enterprises gradually transformed into state-owned enterprises, and the gradual release of part of the commodity prices into the mandatory plans to cancel. After 15 hardships and treachery in the Spring and Autumn, it has created world-renowned miracles and promoted the rapid economic development. Rapidly changing the face of urban and rural areas, but also associated with so many painful chronic disease, paid a considerable price. Looking back on the course of 15 years of reform and opening up, one can easily find out: to develop, there must be speed; if the speed comes up, the economy will overheat; if it is overheated, adjustments will be made and adjustments will be slowed down. All this shows that in the old system And the “compromise solution” and the phased achievement of many issues in the “progressive” reform and the friction and clashes in the ever-expanding business mechanism and system have come to the forefront of the problems that can not be circumvented, reconciled, irreconcilable, and mutually exclusive Compatible with the point. With the heavy water and the heavy horsetail in the mountains, China’s reform of the economic system has reached a crossroad again. It is based on the original model of making limited and piecemeal reforms to the old economies or grasping the key points to boldly break through and make reforms in the new Advance? The history can not wait, the opportunity fleeting. Its landmark “Decision on Some Issues Concerning the Establishment of a Socialist Market Economic System,” passed by the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Party, seized the opportunity to depict the grand blueprint of the new economic system for the entire nation and formulated a program of action for progress. Such a choice is unusual. Its characteristics are: reform will be