引——您正为找不到合适的工作焦虑吗?您的职业生涯正处在瓶颈而寻不到突破口?希望这个栏日成为您和企业的桥梁,我们将请专业的职业指导专家为您指点迷津,帮您解除困惑,助你踏上成功之路。如有个人愿意成为本栏目的主角,请拨打电话:(020)83549781或 e-mail:[email protected]
You are looking for the right job anxiety? Your career is in the bottleneck and can not find a breakthrough? I hope this field day become a bridge between you and the business, we will invite professional career guidance for you Help, relieve confusion and help you to embark on the road to success. If you are willing to be the protagonist of this column, please call: (020) 83549781 or e-mail: [email protected]