Traffic in a county in Shandong Province, to learn Dazhai’s “self-reliance, work hard, start thrifty” spirit, from November last year to April this year, a total of 110 days before and after the completion of a bridge. The bridge is 500 meters in length, of which 77 holes reinforced concrete bridge, 216 meters long (with sluice), the bridge width of 6.5 meters wide. Two long waterways 284 meters long, a total of 270,000 workers day workers, the use of cement 700 tons, 34 tons of steel, timber 30 cubic meters, 280 tons of lime, as well as steel drill explosives, a total expenditure of 220,000 yuan (of which the bridge all Expenses 150,000 yuan, sluice and other expenses 70,000 yuan). If the state invests in accordance with the capital construction procedures, only part of the cost of the bridge will be more than 500,000 yuan. After checking the bridge of good quality, in line with more, faster, better, provincial requirements. After the completion of this bridge, it connects the county seat to the railway line, shortens the distance for material transportation and dredges the roads leading to Central South China.