79年9月,应中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所邀请,美国斯坦福研究所(注1)(SRI)原人工智能实验室主任、现计算机资源部主任 BERTRAM RAPHAEL 来我国讲学,继在北京讲学之后,又来沈阳讲授人工智能,并举行多次座谈,回答了许多问题。现将其主要内容整理出来,前后次序作了某些变动,有些标题是整理者后加的。人工智能在国际上有三大学派,即计算机学派,心理学学派和仿生学学派,各自有一套主张,目的却都在探索人类智慧的秘密,用人工的方法获得有智慧的机器。拉菲尔先生属计算机学派。故望国内有关同志对这里所阐述的观点有自己的分析。
In September 1979, at the invitation of Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, BERTRAM RAPHAEL, director of the original artificial intelligence laboratory of the Stanford Institute of America (SRI) in the United States, came to China to give lectures. After lecturing in Beijing, To teach artificial intelligence in Shenyang, and held several discussions, answered many questions. Now the main content of the order out, before and after the order made some changes, some titles are finishing add. There are three international schools of artificial intelligence in computer science, psychology and bionics. Each of them has a set of propositions. Both of them aim at discovering the secrets of human wisdom and obtaining artificial machines by artificial means. Mr. Raph is a computer school. It is hoped that relevant domestic comrades will have their own analysis of the views set forth here.