Progress and Development Strategy of Biomass Energy Utilization Technologies in China

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spiker315
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Ⅰ. Preface Biomass includes the residues of agriculture, forestand stock breeding, as well as straw, algae andenergy crops. In its broad meaning, biomass is a kindof organic matter produced by the photosynthesis ofplants, which is not only renewable, but also containsplentiful energy. It is estimated by biologists that thetotal grown biomass every year on Earth is about140~180 billion tons (dry weight), which is 10 timesthe total energy consumption in today's world.Thereis an abundance of biomass energy resources in China. Ⅰ. Preface Biomass includes the residues of agriculture, forest and stock breeding, as well as straw, algae andenergy crops. In its broad meaning, biomass is a kind of organic matter produced by the photosynthesis ofplants, which is not only renewable, but also containsntiful energy It is estimated by biologists that the total growth biomass every year on Earth is about 140 ~ 180 billion tons (dry weight), which is 10 timesthe total energy consumption in today's world. Here is an abundance of biomass energy resources in China.
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