本文旨在研究以不同栽培温度影响早熟大白菜抽苔的反应。同时,还对苗期和不同品种进行了研究。材料和方法试验在自然条件下的人工气候室进行。1980、1981、1982年4~5月栽培期间以EPPLEY PSP,WG7日光计(295~2800nm)测得人工气候室外部平均完全辐射分别为14.5和16.6MJ/m~2·天。估计植物水平光合活性辐射是完全辐射的30%左右。把种子播入6平方厘米塑料钵,钵内装有挪威标准泥炭藓培养基。每个处理三次重复,每一小区种30株。试验1:于1980年4月9日,在21℃下播种感热品种“Nagaoka 50”(下称“N50”)和抗热品种
The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of different cultivation temperatures on the bolting of early-maturing Chinese cabbage. At the same time, seedling and different varieties were also studied. Materials and Methods Experiments were carried out in the artificial climate chamber under natural conditions. During the cultivation period from April to May in 1980, 1981 and 1982, the average external radiation of the artificial climate chamber was 14.5 and 16.6 MJ / m ~ 2 · day, respectively, measured by EPPLEY PSP and WG7 daylighting (295 ~ 2800 nm). It is estimated that photosynthetic active radiation at the plant level is about 30% of the total radiation. The seeds were sown into 6 cm square plastic bowls containing Norwegian standard peat moss media. Each treatment repeated three times, each cell species 30. Test 1: Sensitive varieties “Nagaoka 50” (hereinafter “N50”) and heat-resistant varieties