这未必不是一种十分有意义的巧合。 一百五十年前,伟大的俄国诗人普希金在他的代表作——诗体小说《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》里,成功地塑造了俄罗斯农奴制时代社会生活中的第一个“聪明而无用的人”——“多余人”的典型形象奥涅金。接着,俄罗斯的优秀作家们又创造了一系列“多余人”的形象。其中较著名的是莱蒙托夫《当代英雄》中的皮却林、果戈理《死魂灵》中的玛尼罗夫、赫尔岑《谁之罪》中的别尔托夫、屠格涅夫《罗亭》中的罗亭等。一八六九年,俄国伟大小说家伊
This is not necessarily a very meaningful coincidence. One hundred and fifty years ago, the great Russian poet Pushkin succeeded in shaping the first “cleverness” in the social life of the Russian serfdom in his poetic novels “Yevgeny Onegin” And useless people “-” redundant people “typical image Onegin. Then, Russia’s best writers have created a series of ”extra people“ image. Among them, the more famous are Leatheryn in Lermontov’s ”Contemporary Heroes“, Manirov in Gogol’s ”Dead Souls,“ Berthold in ”Who’s Sin“ in Herzen, Nefe ”Luo Ting" Luo Ting and so on. In 1869, the great Russian novelist Iraq