目的了解临床路径的有效使用现状,充分发现临床路径在医疗上的功能。方法收集某省级三甲医院,2008年-2013年6个病种共计6943个病例,随机分为对照组和CP组,运用统计分析软件SPSS 16.0处理,数据采用中位数来表达,CP组与对照组用Mann-Whitney Test检验,P<0.05为有统计学意义。结果临床路径的实施效果对于缩短平均住院日有较明显的效果,部分费用有所下降,其中膝关节置换,该病种的平均住院总费用,CP组与对照组的比较,减少最明显,从70855元减少到61397元,平均费用下降13.35%。结论临床路径的推广对提高医疗质量、降低治疗费用和规范医疗流程有显著效果。
Objective To understand the status of the effective use of clinical pathways and to fully discover the clinical function of the clinical pathways. Methods A total of 6943 cases of 6 disease types were collected from a provincial-level top-level hospital in 2008-2013. They were randomly divided into control group and CP group. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0 software. The data were expressed in median. The control group with Mann-Whitney Test test, P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results The implementation of clinical pathways had obvious effect on shortening the average length of stay, and some costs decreased. Among them, the average cost of hospitalization for the patients with knee joint replacement was significantly lower than that of the control group 70,855 yuan reduced to 61,397 yuan, the average cost fell 13.35%. Conclusion The promotion of clinical path has a significant effect on improving the quality of medical treatment, reducing the cost of treatment and regulating the medical procedure.