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  The triumphant minimalism of the 1990s veiled people’s personalities in 1)beige, grey and black basics. Now, the T-shirt has found its tongue again, and become the reflection of the person wearing it. Basic white for 2)Bruce Springsteen, striped for 3)Jean Paul Gaultier. T-shirts were promoted to fetish status by celebrities, identifying particular personalities, and putting their signature to styles and looks.
  Well removed from political messages, advertising slogans and anonymous 4)logomania, the T-shirt is still the ideal mouthpiece of a contemporary mood. Since the 1980s, it has allowed a new generation of men to give a different kind of expression to their professional image. Nowadays, one often comes across people wearing suits and T-shirts in the worlds of fashion, communications and new technologies. The T-shirt is replacing the traditional shirt with a more casual, sexier, yet still elegant version. The T-shirt has become everyone’s personal medium. Because it is universal and adaptable, it straightforwardly expresses moods, commemorates events in people’s private lives, and fuels the “me” cult. The film of our life now 5)files past in a T-shirt. Once a symbol of mass consumerism, this item of clothing is associated nowadays with things exceptional and unique.
  T-shirt fans scour stores in search of an old classic at the ends of the earth. Now produced in limited editions, sometimes even numbered like works of art, the T-shirt tends at times to forget its democratic origins to satisfy the whims of a handful of people forever seeking out something to give them a special 6)cachet. At a time when the craze for 7)vintage things has the ghosts of bygone fashion parading past us, for better or for worse, T-shirts are exhuming the dozing figures of 8)kitsch and pop culture and elevating them to iconic status. Whether tattered and torn, 9)bedecked with zippers and 10)imitation jewelry, or scribbled on with graffiti and slogans, the customized T-shirt now mixes ancient and modern, old and new, transforming it into that special, one-off article, sanctioned by fashion.
  In the worlds of fashion and music, the T-shirt has managed to find 11)high-profile ambassadors who have helped earn it its fame and fortune. The fashion designer 12)Giorgio Armani has beautifully illustrated the elegance of this garment by turning it into his official attire. “A dark blue or white T-shirt has long become part of my working uniform. I literally live in T-shirts, because I appreciate the comfort, enjoy the luxurious materials they are made of, and feel confident wearing them in any situation, whether it be for work, sport, relaxation, or an evening out,” explains the 13)maestro of Milan.
  In music, likewise, it has immortalized certain looks. In the pared-down vein, Bruce Springsteen has immortalized the T-shirt in the “working-class hero” style. On the cover of his Born in the USA 14)LP, the singer poses with his back toward us, wearing a white T-shirt, jeans and biker boots with a red 15)bandanna in his pocket. Madonna, the provocative singer has managed to personalize the T-shirt by having her son’s name—“Rocco”—written on it, and asking 16)Dolce&Gabbana to 17)customize especially for her a Britney Spears fan-club T-shirt with 18)safety pins.
  The personalization process has championed a crucial yardstick—the criterion of personal achievement. However, something else is 19)at stake: the desire for self-expression, whatever the nature of the message might be, and the 20)narcissistic right and pleasure to express oneself for no particular reason, but 21)relayed and magnified by a medium. The T-shirt is probably the ideal medium for giving public vent to one’s ego.


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“你还要钻研那份报纸多长时间?你能马上过来哄哄你的宝贝女儿吃点东西吗?”  我把报纸丢到一边,匆忙跑过去。  我唯一的女儿辛度,泪盈于睫,看上去像是受了惊吓。在她面前是一碗满到边缘的酸乳酪饭。  和同龄的小孩比,辛度算是一个乖巧,并且非常聪明的小孩了。  她刚满八岁,特别讨厌吃酸乳酪饭。但我的母亲和妻子思想都很传统,她们坚信酸乳酪饭具有消暑的作用。
Just like jeans, T-shirts became one of the 20th century’s most universal and mythical items of clothing—with more than two billion a year sold worldwide. An extraordinary fate for this 1)unassuming c
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写下这一标题,心里充满了伤感。一个个生龙活虎的形象,个性鲜明的角色,多年来如老友般相伴,带来过多少欢笑、多少激动。眨眼间二十几年过去了,当年的英雄硬汉们渐渐步入迟暮之年,如今的大银幕充斥的是火爆的特技、离奇的剪辑和高智商的对抗。好看则好看,却总让人不禁怀念当年那些常常汗湿重衫、狼狈不已的动作英雄们,虽不完美却真实,虽孤单却坚韧,总是让人热血沸腾,深受鼓舞。  期待着新片的上映,向曾经的老动作英雄们
爱把两个原本不相干的人,以及他们的喜怒哀乐从此紧紧地系在一起。  如果会带来心动的相遇是一场劫难,但愿我们的生命线永不相交,但若爱是人生的转机,又怎可轻易让它溜走?听Daniel Powter(丹尼尔·波特)感性、诗意、动人的音乐,就像在听一位长久“在路上”的诗人吟唱他的内心世界。或许他就是曾与我们在街头,抑或地铁站内擦肩而过的行者,喜欢随遇而安,时刻用音乐记录着所看到、所感受到的一切。外表看上去