The various reaction mechanisms involved in the generation of soot in gas turbine combustors are complex and have not yet been clarified. But the conditions that led to the soot formation, at least from the engineering point of view, are pretty clear. It is now understood that exhaust fumes are caused by the formation of very fine soot in the main fuel-rich and anoxic zones, such as with pressure atomizing nozzles, where the main soot-forming zone is in the center of the fuel spray cone in the combustion chamber. The products of combustion here and the fog cone meet.Temperature is high, there is oil vapor, but lack of oxygen, so a large number of soot particles are generated, most of the smoke particles generated in the main combustion zone are oxidized and consumed in the downstream high temperature region. Therefore, from the point of view of exhaust gas, the combustion chamber can be regarded as two parts: the main combustion zone, which determines the generation rate of smoke particles; the middle zone, which determines the consumption rate of smoke particles, and the last exhaust smoke is the two zone processes of