农业是国民经济的基础,必须坚持把农业放在首位,全面振兴农村经济,努力发展高产、优质、高效农业,不断提高农业的集约经营水平和综合生产能力,这就为突泉县的农业发展指明了方向。 几年来,突泉县的农业生产在向高产、优质、高效道路上已迈出了可喜的一步,并取得了很
Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. We must give top priority to agriculture, revitalize the rural economy in all aspects, strive to develop high-yielding, high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture, and continuously improve the level of intensive management and comprehensive productivity of agriculture. This is the agricultural development in Tuquan County Indicate the direction. Over the past few years, the agricultural production in Tuquan County has taken a gratifying step towards high-yielding, high-quality and efficient roads and has achieved very good results