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包全杰同志生前是辽宁省凤城市东方红小学教师、校长,中国共产党员,1999年因病去世。他从教几十年如一日,尽职尽责,呕心沥血,把自己毕生的精力无私地奉献给了党和人民的教育事业。包全杰同志的模范事迹,感人至深。他锐意进取,勇于创新,积极进行教育教学改革,大力推进素质教育;他艰苦奋斗、励精图治,坚持不懈地改善办学条件,把一所普通小学建设成享誉八方的示范学校;他生活简朴、廉洁从教、克己奉公,言传身教地培养出了一支思想好、业务精、素质高的教师队伍。包全杰同志的崇高品格和师德不仅受到学生和教师的敬仰,而且得到了广大人民群众的高度赞誉。 Comrade Bao Quanjie was a teacher, principal and member of the Communist Party of China at Dongfanghong Primary School in Fengcheng, Liaoning Province. He died of illness in 1999. For decades, he has dedicated his due diligence, devoted his efforts, devoted his entire life to the education of the party and the people. Comrade Bao Quanjie’s exemplary deeds are deeply touching. He is determined to forge ahead and is brave to innovate. He actively carries out education and teaching reforms and vigorously promotes quality education. He strives hard, makes every effort to improve governance, and constantly improves the conditions for running a school. He builds an ordinary primary school into a model school that enjoys a good reputation; his life is simple and honest. It has been self-denying and self-denial. It has cultivated a team of teachers with good ideas, fine business skills and high quality. Comrade Bao Quanjie’s lofty character and morality were not only admired by students and teachers, but also received high praise from the broad masses of the people.