3D扫描舱是一个用于三维扫描的摄影棚。它的与众不同之处在于,可以即时完成对大小规格不等物体的数字化三维扫描。拍摄物被置于一个由一百多台定焦单反相机构成的球面阵当中,该结构受到霍伯曼球(hoberman sphere)的启发,每个节点上都有一台相机,可实现等速运动。仅需微调,3D扫描舱即可收缩扫描小型物品;也可展开同时扫描多人。内侧受光的可折叠板材将扫描舱围合起来,创造出一个无影的拍摄环境。只需按下相机快门,
3D scanning cabin is a studio for 3D scanning. What sets it apart is the ability to instantly digitize 3D objects of varying sizes. The subject was placed in a spherical array of more than 100 fixed-focus SLRs inspired by the hoberman sphere, each with a camera for constant-speed motion. Only fine-tuned, 3D scanning capsule can shrink to scan small items; also can scan multiple people at the same time. The inside light-folding panels enclose the scanners to create a shadowless shooting environment. Just press the camera shutter,