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中国女排在80年代获得过“五连冠”的辉煌,“铁榔头”郎平也成为了中国女排的代名词。笔者还记得那时候的年画都曾有郎平获奖的图片,因为那时候百废待兴,中国女排成为了当时国人的模范和骄傲。随后中国女排中间起起伏伏,在这次里约奥运会的小组预赛中,以2胜3负小组垫底第四进入八强,然而中国女排逆势而起,1/4决赛力克上届卫冕冠军巴西,又在半决赛中击败小组赛中曾获胜的荷兰,在决赛中3:1复仇塞尔维亚,12年后又获得了奥运会冠军,站到了最高领奖台!中国女排打败了一些八卦新闻,占据 Chinese women’s volleyball team won the “five consecutive championships” glory in the 1980s, “Iron Hammer” Lang Ping has also become synonymous with the Chinese women’s volleyball team. I still remember when the New Year had Lang Ping award-winning picture, because then wasted, the Chinese women’s volleyball team became the model and pride of the people at that time. Then the Chinese women’s volleyball team ups and downs in the middle of this Rio Olympic Games group preliminaries to the bottom of the 2 wins and 3 losses team into the quarter-finals, but the Chinese women’s volleyball team against the trend, 1/4 final Lectra last defending champion Brazil , Defeated Serbia in the semifinals once again winning the group stage, avenged Serbia 3: 1 in the finals, won the Olympic championship 12 years later, and reached the highest podium! The Chinese women’s volleyball team defeated some gossip news, occupying