Humans take up 83 percent of the Earth’ sland surface to live on, farm, mine or fish,leaving just a few areas pristine’ for wildlife,according to a new report recently. People alsohave taken advantage of 98 percent of the landthat can be farmed for rice, wheat or corn, saidthe report. The map, published on the Internet athttp: / www. wcs. org/ humanfootprint, adds to-gether influences from population density, ac-cess from roads and waterways, electrical powerinfrastructure, and the area used by cities andfarms.The few remaining wild areas include thenorthern forests of Alaska, Canada and Russia;the high plateaus of China and Mongolia; andmuch of the Amazon River Basin.
Humans take up 83 percent of the Earth’ sland surface to live on, farm, mine or fish,leaving just a few areas pristine’ for wildlife,according to a new report before. People alsohave taken advantage of 98 percent of the landthat can be Farmed for rice, wheat or corn, saidthe report. The map, published on the Internet athttp: / www. wcs. org/ humanfootprint, adds to-gether influences from population density, ac-cess from roads and waterways, electrical powerinfrastructure, and The area used by cities and farms.The few remaining wild areas include thenorthern forests of Alaska, Canada and Russia;the high plateaus of China and Mongolia; andmuch of the Amazon River Basin.