’Beilun 02-1’ is a large fruit-type early-maturing peach mutation strain found in a Taoyuan Garden, Bai Feng Town, Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. In order to identify this line, its main phenology and fruit quality characteristics were studied, and molecular markers were used to compare ’Beilun 02-1’ with the local cultivars’ Early Ruby ’,’ Large Group of Honeydew ’,’ Lake View Honey Lu ’,’ Yu Lu ’,’ Chi Yulu ’,’ Big Yufeng ’genetic characteristics of the similarities and differences. The results showed that ’Beilun 02-1’ had a mature maturity of about June 20, with a large fruit shape and an average fruit weight of 196g. The fruit tops were bright red with good quality. The SSR marker analysis showed that ’Beilun 02-1’ was different from ’Lake View Honeydew’, ’Big Honeydew’ and ’Yulu’ and the SSR marker pchcms5 located in the sixth linkage group of peach trees could be used to distinguish ’Beilun 02-1’ And ’lake view nectar’. Of the 24 pairs of AFLP primer combinations used, three pairs resolved Beiren 02-1 and Lakeview Honeydew. Studies show that there is a genetic difference between ’Beilun 02-1’ and local cultivars, which may be a new variant of the strain.