According to the sequence of gene of hepatitis C virus (GBVC / HGV) that has been sequenced at home and abroad, the more conserved gene segments of the strains were selected and their complementary nucleotide sequences (Antisense) were synthesized. This fragment was labeled with fluorescein-N6-ddATP to make G gene probe. Under the condition of strict temperature control, it was hybridized with serum spots immobilized on nitrocellulose membrane (NC membrane), and then washed with anti-fluorescein-alkaline phosphatase (AP) result. The positive coincidence rate of this method with that of Nested RTPCR was 88.2%, and the negative coincidence rate was 100%. There was no cross-reaction with other related virus genes, which was better The specificity and sensitivity. The test results than the EIA method to detect hepatic G virus antibodies more clinical significance.