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图画书的教学在我国几乎是一片空白,我最佩服那些敢于第一个吃螃蟹的人。于是,我仔细研读了他们的图画书教学案例,并进行了图画书亲子阅读和课堂教学的尝试,积累了一些经验。一、看图画。“图画文学是一种特定的儿童读物形式,其表现的主体以图画为主,其画面有着很强的表述性。”(《儿童文学教程》方卫平主编)每个孩子都是读图的天才。他们会发挥想象,将一页页断开的图画组成一个完整的故事。我们的任务是把图画书中的重要信息呈现给他们。如图画书的封面不可不介绍,它包含了书名、作者等重要的信息。我们还可以 The teaching of picture books is almost a blank in our country, I most admire those who dare to eat the first crabs. As a result, I carefully studied their picture book teaching cases, and carried out pictures of parent-child reading and classroom teaching attempt, has accumulated some experience. First, see the picture. “Drawing literature is a specific form of children’s books, the main body of the performance of the picture-based, the screen has a strong expression. ” (“Children’s Literature” edited by Fang Weiping) Each child is to read the map genius. They play their imagination and make a complete story of the disconnected pages of the picture. Our task is to present important information in the picture book to them. Such as the cover of the picture book can not be introduced, it contains the title, author and other important information. We can still
五月的天气变化特别快,前几天还凉风习习、阴雨绵绵,今天却艳阳高照,体育教师优课评比正在太阳的见证下如火如荼地举行着。  场景一:A老师正在执教体育课“弯道跑”。由于天气是突然变化的,学生还都穿着厚重的衣服,在一番运动之后,小脸蛋涨得通红,呼吸也明显加快。看来这节体育课的运动量已经达到了学生的承受能力,但A老师却视而不见,依然执行着自己的教案,一遍又一遍地让学生进行弯道跑。听课的评委都替这位老师捏了
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