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《红轮》被索尔仁尼琴视为自己一生中最重要的一部作品。在漫长的写作过程中,作家对小说主题、结构、叙事重心以及核心人物等进行了诸多改动。它们格外清晰地反映出索尔仁尼琴如何从一位革命理论的狂热信徒转为激进政治的批判者,并进而反映出20世纪俄罗斯政治失序背后的精神混乱。作家在这部历史小说中对俄罗斯以至整个西方世界的现代性危机做出了反思,而斯托雷平的“平衡之路”可以说是他为俄罗斯未来寻找到的最后“谜底”。 The “Red Wheel” is considered by Solzhenitsyn as the most important piece of his life. In the long process of writing, many changes have been made to the theme, structure, narrative focus and core figures of writers. They are a very clear reflection of how Solzhenitsyn has shifted from a fanatical believer in revolutionary theory to a radical political critic and thus to a reflection of the mental chaos behind the Russian political disorder in the twentieth century. In this historical novel, the writer made a reflection on the crisis of modernity in Russia and the entire Western world. Storrepin’s “road to balance” can be said to be the last “answer” he has found for the future of Russia. ".
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