自1989年以来,采用自拟的祛痰平喘汤治疗小儿痰喘40例,取得了满意的疗效,现总结如下: 一、临床资料:40例中,男23例,女17例;年龄6月~1岁者13例,1~2岁16例,2岁以上者11例;设对照组40例,症状均有咳喘、喉中痰声漉漉,烦燥呕恶,不欲饮食,双肺布满哮鸣音及痰鸣音。胸透示:阴性或双肺纹理紊乱。 二、治疗方法:治疗组服用祛痰平喘汤,方为:葶苈子(炒)4.5g,二丑4.5g,桔梗6g,半夏6g,炙
Since 1989, the use of expectorant Pingchuan Tang 40 cases of pediatric sputum, and achieved satisfactory results are summarized as follows: First, the clinical data: 40 cases, 23 males and 17 females; age 6 Month ~ 1 year old in 13 cases, 1 to 2 years in 16 cases, 2 years of age in 11 cases; control group of 40 cases, the symptoms are cough, sputum sore throat, irritability, vomiting, do not want to eat, Both lungs covered with wheezing and phlegm sounds. Chest show: negative or double lung texture disorders. Second, the treatment: the treatment group taking Expectant and asthma soup, side: 葶 苈 son (fried) 4.5g, two ugly 4.5g, Campanulaceae 6g, Pinellia 6g, Sunburn