Pruritus is a dermatological condition that has only pruritus and no primary skin lesions [1]. It can be divided into generalized and localized itching. More common in the elderly, most of the benign course, the cause is more complex, usually considered to be dry and allergic, liver and kidney disease, but long-lasting skin pruritus may be the first manifestation of malignant tumors. Should pay attention to improve the relevant checks, as early as possible to find, early diagnosis and early treatment. I report from our hospital since October 2000 - October 2012 to our department for treatment of 27 cases of pruritus and malignant tumor. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information 27 patients with malignant tumor complicated pruritus, 27 patients, 18 males and 9 females, aged 61 to 87 years, mean 75.2 years. Including 10 cases of gastric cancer, liver cancer in 8 cases, pancreas