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九曲黄河,钟灵毓秀。在地处鲁豫两省交界的东明县这片具有爱国拥军传统的热土上,县委书记、县人武部党委第一书记岳滨兴武拥军办实事的事迹广为流传。他在抓好经济建设的同时,牢记使命、情注国防,谱写了国防后备力量建设与经济建设协调发展的新篇章,2006年被山东省委、省政府、省军区表彰为“党管武装好书记”十佳人物。“责任重如泰山,兼职必须尽职。”这是岳滨对自己所肩负职责的深刻诠释。上任伊始,岳滨到基层了解武装工作情况时发现,有的乡镇武装部办公设施简陋,专武干部兼职过多影响本职工作,民兵整组存在弄虚作假现象。为此,他在对有关人员提出了批评的同时,要求对全县武装工作情况进行一次调查摸底,并及时召开县委常委会进行专题研究。在他的主持下,东明县将乡镇武装工作纳入党政目标管理范畴,出台了《关于加强专武干部队伍建设的规定》,使专武干部队伍建设步入规范化轨道。 Nine Yellow River, Zhong Ling Yuk Sau. On the hot land of Dongming County, where the two provinces meet at the border of Luyu and Yuzhou, there is a tradition of patriotism and supporting the army. While doing a good job of economic construction, he kept his mission firmly in mind and made note of his national defense. He wrote a new chapter in the coordinated development of national defense reserve forces and economic construction. In 2006, he was commended by the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee, the provincial government and the provincial military as “ Secretary ”top ten people. “Responsibility is as heavy as Taishan, part-time job must be due diligence.” This is a profound interpretation of Yue Bin’s responsibility to himself. At the beginning of his term, Yue Bin first learned about armed work at the grassroots level. He found that some townships and armed forces had poor office facilities and too many part-time special cadres affected their own jobs. The whole militia group had resorted to fraud and fraud. Therefore, while criticizing the personnel concerned, he asked to conduct an investigation on the armed work in the county and conduct a special study on the standing committee of the county committee in time. Under his auspices, Dongming County incorporated the township armed work into the management of party and government targets and promulgated the “Provisions on Strengthening the Construction of Ranks of Specialized Martial Arts Cadres,” so as to put the ranks of the special forces cadres in a standardized orbit.
近日,安徽省电力公司廉洁从业风险管理这一管理类创新成果,荣获第十五届全国企业管理创新成果二等奖、国家电网公司“精神文明 Recently, Anhui Provincial Electric Power
When I was young,I cried in kindergarten , The first person I think of is my mom , Because only she can give me a nice family. When I was ina primary school, I