近来,戏曲舞台上的现代戏寥寥无几,就艺术方面来谈,耐看的“绝活”不多,恐怕也是现代戏未占上风的一个重要原因吧? 教育寓娱乐之中。很多传统剧目,所以能百看不厌,就在于多少年来经过许多前辈艺人的精雕细琢,在艺术上有许多赏心悦目、精彩绝伦的地方。有些艺术高超的优秀演员,勤学苦练,往往在某些剧目中能表演出令人称绝的“高招”、“绝活”,因而能吸引住广大观众,甚至多少年后还会津津乐道。很多传统剧目,故事众所周知,情节比较简单,观众却踊跃观赏,往往就是为看演员的“绝招”去的。一些著名京剧表演艺术家
Recently, there are only a few modern plays on the stage of the opera. As far as the art is concerned, there are not many “unique skills” that are appealing to the audience. I am afraid that this is an important reason that modern drama has no upper hand. Many traditional repertoire, so can never tired of, is that many years after many veteran artist crafted, in art there are many pleasing, fantastic places. Some highly accomplished and excellent actors, who are hardworking and diligent, often perform some of the most impressive “tricks” and “must-haves” in some productions, thus attracting a large audience and even relishing happiness after years. Many traditional repertoire, the story is well known, the plot is relatively simple, the audience is enthusiastically watching, often to see the actor’s “trick” to go. Some famous Beijing opera artists