稀里糊涂编了三十多年的剧,临近 耳顺之年,实在是应该扭头看看自己踏过的足痕脚迹了。 “不看不知道,一看吓一跳。”我刻意追求的堂皇正业、也就是在主流戏剧的写作上,屡战屡败,一事无成。反过来一想,又不禁哑然失笑:我并不在意的旁门左道,顺手拈来的非主流戏剧,却屡获成功,名利双收。用戏曲行当的话说,我只配当“里子”给主角“挎刀”,“没有站在当不间儿的扮相”。而天生争强好胜的性格,又使我不甘寂寞,不愿作陪衬,总摆着一副跃跃欲试要出人头地、轰动全国的架势。于是,在我的编剧路上,就有了一幕幕的“悲剧”和“喜剧”了。
Scrawled in thirty years of drama, near the ears of the year, it is time to look at their footsteps of footprints. “Do not see do not know, a look of shock.” I deliberately seek the great cause, that is, writing in the mainstream drama, repeated defeats, nothing. In turn, I can not help but smile: I do not care about the allegiance to the non-mainstream dramas, but it has been repeatedly successful, fame and fortune. In the words of the opera business, I only match when the “Lizi” to the protagonist “Kao Dao”, “there is no standing on the stage when the child’s appearance.” The natural character of victorious, but also make me unwilling, do not want to be a foil, always posing for a try to succeed, sensational posture across the country. So, in my scriptwriting road, there is a scene of “tragedy” and “comedy.”