Report on The Process of Education

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  The Process of Education was a landmark text. It had a direct impact on policy formation in the United States and influenced the thinking and orientation of a group of teachers and scholars, Its view of children as active problem-solvers who are ready to explore ‘difficult’ subjects.
  There are six parts in The Process of Education:
  The first part is introduction. It discusses the concerns about the quality of education and the goals. It introduces the curricula design of primary and secondary schools to design teaching materials which emphasize both the scope of content and the structural system, and it also helps each student to get the best possible intellectual development.
  The second one is readiness for learning. Here the argument is that schools have wasted a great deal of people’s time by postponing the teaching of important areas because they are deemed ‘too difficult’.This notion underpins the idea of the spiral curriculum – ‘A curriculum as it develops should revisit this basic ideas repeatedly, building upon them until the student has grasped the full formal apparatus that goes with them’.
  The third one is the role of structure in learning and how it may be made central in teaching. The approach taken should be a practical one. ‘The teaching and learning of structure, rather than simply the mastery of facts and techniques, is at the center of the classic problem of transfer… If earlier learning is to render later learning easier, it must do so by providing a general picture in terms of which the relations between things encountered earlier and later are made as clear as possible’ .
  Next part talks about intuitive and analytical thinking. Intuition (‘the intellectual technique of arriving and plausible but tentative formulations without going through the analytical steps by which such formulations would be found to be valid or invalid conclusions’ ) is a much neglected but essential feature of productive thinking. Here Bruner notes how experts in different fields appear ‘to leap intuitively into a decision or to a solution to a problem’ .
  The fifth part is motives for learning. Jerome Bruner writes, interest in the material to be learned is the best stimulus to learning, rather than such external goals as grades or later competitive advantage’. In an age of increasing spectatorship, ‘motives for learning must be kept from going passive… they must be based as much as possible upon the arousal of interest in what there is be learned, and they must be kept broad and diverse in expression’ ,so it is very important that in designing the curriculum, people should correctly distinguish between the long-term goals they wish to achieve and certain short-term steps to achieve long-term goals.
  The last one is teaching aids . Philosophical teaching aids belong to a variety of types, one is a device to replace the experience, the books also play such a role, and the other is to help students master the sub-structure of the phenomenon.
  [1][美]布魯纳(J·S· Bruner) 著.教育过程. 文化教育出版社, 1982
  [2]施良方.教学理论:课堂教学的原理、策略与研究 修订版.上海:华东师范大学出版社,2008
  [4]杨念庆.创设物理情境 激发学习动机[J].天津市教科院学报,2011,第3期
摘要:全球化背景下,各国综合国力的较量关键是人才的较量,人才也是国家最突出和稀缺的资源与核心竞争力,党和政府高度重视人才培养的问题。“立德树人”是教育的根本任务和宗旨,始终坚持“立德树人”为指导思想,将德育和智育紧密结合起来,培养优秀的社会主义建设者和可靠接班人,需要家庭、学校、社会等多种主体联合起来,形成教育合力,共同营造一个有利于个人成长成才的德育环境。  关键词:立德树人;环境;合力  党的
摘要:士官职业技术教育强调教育的实践性特色,对教员的实践性教学能力提出了较高的要求。从部队和院校培训体系、教研室传帮带机制、自身自主学习和反思总结、学员信息反馈四个方面探索士官院校新教员提升自身实践性教学能力的有效途径和方法,以满足任职教育的岗位需要,提高院校的整体教学水平和任职教育的人才培养质量。  关键词:军校新教员;实践性教学能力;培养途径  军校教员的专业素养和实践性教学能力直接影响任职教
摘要:注重“云平台”背景下医学专科院校计算机基础课教学改革的深入探讨,有利于提升这类院校计算机基础课教学水平,使得其能够更好地适应当前的形势变化,培养出更多高素质的专业技能型人才。因此,需要从不同的方面入手,落实好“云平台”背景下医学专科院计算机基础教学改革研究工作,并找出有效的教学改革措施加以使用,从而为现代医学专科院校发展注入活力。  关键词:医学专科;计算机基础课改革;云平台  引言:随着信
摘要:园长队伍的建设是影响我国学前教育发展的重要因素之一,促进园长专业发展对于我国学前教育的发展至关重要。影响园长专业发展的因素较多,晋升是激励园长专业发展的重要因素。本文重点研究晋升制度对幼儿园发展的影响,为幼儿园发展提供参考。  关键词:幼儿园;晋升;发展  一、晋升制度在园长专业发展过程中必不可少  1.晋升制度是促进园长专业发展的外部因素  园长的专业发展可以说是内部因素与外部条件共同作用
摘要:来华留学生人数的日益增多使得趋同化教育管理成为高校对留学生管理的一种趋势,它主要推进留学生和本土学生在日常管理和教学等方面在求同存异的基础上进行相同的教育管理。本文介绍了当前来华留学生的发展现状,着重分析队来华留学生采用趋同化教育管理的必要性,并提出了相应的对策建议。  关键词:来华留学生;趋同化;差异化  随着全球经济一体化的推进及我国经济实力的日益强大,越来越多来自世界各地的外国学生选择
摘要:高校摄影学科性质决定了教师必须改变常规的教学方法。教师应不断扩展和扩充相关学科知识,使教学方式紧扣激发学生的兴趣,善于给予能够引导和促进学生发展的评价,启发和帮助学生挖掘出适合自己的学习方法,使“教”和“学”有机结合,师生得到共同提高。  一、教学方法的改变是提高高校摄影教学质量的迫切需要。  以往的摄影教学方法过分强调讲授和示范的方法,相对忽略学生的个性差异和已有的经验,学生处于一种被动的