
来源 :中国公证 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruru0077
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新疆公证员协会成立于1993年,成立之初没有机构编制,与公证管理处两块牌子一套班子,工作职能上也没有分工。1996年司法厅机构改革正式将公证员协会的机构编制单列出来,核定为全额拨款的事业单位。2002年开始正式以行业自律组织独立开展工作。在司法厅的关心、支持和领导下,协会与公证管理部门积极协作共同努力,开局之年取得了较好的工作成绩,打开了协会工作的局面,积累了一点“两结合”管理体制下协会工作的经验和体会。转变观念开创协会工作新局面。新疆公证员协会与公证管理部门分离,实现了人、财、物的独立,司法厅党委对协会的独立给予了极大的关心和支持。首先,在协会组织机构建立时将协会作为一个重要的工作部门来对待,协会的所有工作人员与厅机关各处室的工作人员同时进行竞争上岗,保证了协 Xinjiang Association of Notaries was established in 1993, the establishment of the early establishment of no institutions, and notary office two brands of a team, there is no division of labor functions. In 1996, the institutional reform of the Department of Justice formally listed the institutions of notaries associations separately and approved them as full-funded public institutions. In 2002, we started to work independently with industry self-discipline. Under the care, support and leadership of the Department of Justice, the association actively cooperated with the notary administration to make concerted efforts and achieved good results in the first year, opening up the work of the association and accumulating a little bit of “two combinations” management system Association of the work experience and experience. Change concepts to create a new situation in Association work. Xinjiang Notary Association and the notary administration separation, to achieve the independence of people, money and property, the Justice Department of the party committee gave the association’s independence gave great concern and support. First of all, when the organization of the association was established, the association was treated as an important department of work. All the staff members of the association competed with the staff in different departments and offices of the department at the same time to ensure that the association
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