江西全省实施绿色植保农药减量行动 药量减三成 收益增千元

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江西省湖口县富民专业合作社2760亩的蔬菜基地里,一盏盏太阳能杀虫灯、一张张黄色粘虫板、一个个诱捕器,组成了一幅绿色农业的美丽图画。“因为去年进行的绿色植保农药减量试点效果非常好,今年我们加大了绿色防控的面积。就拿辣椒来说吧,绿色防控示范区的产量能达到5000多斤/亩,收益有1.3万多元,比非绿色防控示范区分别增加10.62%和25.05%。”合作社理事长蔡子祥表示。为促进绿色低碳农业发展,2014年,江西在全省范围大力实施绿色植保农药减量行动,建立了160个绿色植保农药减量示范区,有效提升了全省 Hukou County, Jiangxi Province Fumin Professional Cooperatives 2760 acres of vegetable base, a light solar insecticidal lamps, a sheet of yellow sticky insect board, one by one trap, formed a beautiful picture of green agriculture. “Because last year’s green pilot pesticide reduction pilot effect is very good, this year we have increased the area of ​​green control. Take peppers, for example, the green prevention and control demonstration area yield can reach 5000 kilos / mu, revenue With more than 13,000 yuan, an increase of 10.62% and 25.05% respectively over the non-green prevention and control demonstration zones. ”" Cai Zixiang, chairman of the cooperative, said. In order to promote the development of green and low-carbon agriculture, in 2014, Jiangxi Province vigorously implemented the greening and pesticide reduction actions across the province and established 160 demonstration zones for green plant protection and pesticide reduction, effectively raising the provincial