十多年来,我省甘蔗田化学除草,一直单用阿特拉津(莠去津)为主,虽取得较好的效果,但由于使用年限长,品种单一,杂草群落发生了变化,施用量逐年增大,除草效果变差,成本提高。急需选用一种高效除草剂来更替使用,解决这些问题。 近年来,省农垦局引进瑞士诺华(汽巴嘉基+山德士)有限公司制造生产的一种新型高效复合剂——都阿合剂,在大通湖、西洞庭、屈原等大型农场进行试验、示
For more than ten years, the chemical weeding of sugar cane fields in our province has been dominated by atrazine (atrazine) alone. Although we have achieved good results, the weed communities have changed due to the long service life, single varieties, The application rate increases year by year, weeding effect becomes worse, the cost increases. Urgent need to use an efficient herbicide to replace the use of these problems. In recent years, the Provincial Bureau of Reclamation introduced a new type of high-efficient compound agent-allagicum manufactured and manufactured by Novartis (Cibajiaji + Sandoz) Co., Ltd. to carry out experiments on large farms such as Datong Lake, Xi Dongting and Quyuan, Show