1953 建国瓷

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  Jianguo Porcelain, porcelain specially made for celebrations use upon the foundation of PRC, is the combination of tradition and modern art in the porcelain industry.
Golden Rooster Alarm Clock was very popular from late 60’s to even 90’s in China, especially the “Pecking Chick” oneswere very unique and stylish.  1957年,闹钟行业产量猛增,首次突破100万只大关,年产量达到120.42万只。1964年,上海钟厂设
The advent of JIEFANG Truck put an end to the history that our country is unable to manufacture automobiles of our own.  1956年,第一批解放牌汽车在长春第一汽车制造厂试制成功,它的问世结束了我国不能自己制造汽车的历史。第一批驶下生产线的解放牌汽车叫CA10型,是以苏联出
The second set of RMB, the frst stable currency in China, not only showed a wholly new look, but also ended the history of currency turmoil.  第二套人民币于1955年3月正式发行,票版图案设计思想完整统一、民族风格突出;颜色和谐、油墨配置得当;票幅尺寸采取了
有人说她是丹麦版的帕特里西娅·乌尔奇奥拉(Patricia Urquiola),但与这位著名的西班牙女设计师相比,迪特·翰末斯达姆(Ditte Hammerstrøm)目前还没有与那些世界知名家居品牌合作,设计出销往全球的设计消费品。她的大部分的家具都是手工限量制作,她说:“我喜欢这样,它给了一个设计师一种艺术般的自由。你没有任何限制,不会想什么让产品去适应某个生产过程。”
摘 要:在我国社会工作专业的发展过程中,高校设置该专业主要是依据自身条件还是经济社会发展需要?从组织社会学出发,将理性选择与合法化机制作为两个相互竞争的理论逻辑,利用Cox比例风险模型对我国高校设置社会工作本科专业的影响因素进行探析。研究发现,院校特征(是否开设社会学专业)对高校设置社会工作本科专业具有显著影响,城市经济社会发展的影响并不显著。目前我国高校设置社会工作本科专业的动力机制主要是理性选
Hong Xing Radio (Red Star Radio), marketed in 1952, was the frst home-made radio in China.Radio sets, though nowadays been replaced by TV, have witnessed the dramatic changes happened over the 50 year
Though not as colorful as what the real world is, Beijing monochrome TV Sets was still a major bridge between people and the world during that period.  1958年,我国第一台820型35厘米电子管黑白电视机北京牌14英寸黑白电视机在天津712厂诞生
Artifcial leather bag is the production of artifcial leather goods started in 1950’s in China. Among those days, artifcial leather bags with Shanghai Brand were in great demand.  中国自上世纪50年代开始研制生产人造皮革,
Dongfanghong tractor is the frst tractor brand of China and has been providing strong supports to the national agriculture industry.  东方红拖拉机是中国第一辆拖拉机。1958年,新中国第一台东方红大功率履带拖拉机诞生,谭震林副总理庄严向世人宣布:“中国人民耕地不用牛
Once been almost suitable for packing everything, nylon string bags may come back to people’s everyday life as it’s extremely eco-friendly. .  当年的尼龙网兜是用梭子绕上线,一个孔,一个孔地结下去,因为每行都比上行的孔多,所以网会越编越大。使用时,尼龙网兜的