《新京报》2月8日 B26版《任东来专栏》,登载了一篇题为《单极好,还是多极好》的国际评论。这篇1500来字的文章,写得观点鲜明,紧扣主题,分析得条理清晰、材料扎实,是一篇上乘的国际评论佳作。那么,它的写作特色表现在哪里呢?首先是开门见山,非常干净利落。开篇就单刀直入地提出问题:“布什为什么执意要发动伊拉克战争?”——“美国要成为世界真正的老大,要建立一个自己主宰的单极世界。”一开始就摆出这样鲜明的论点,引起读者的关注和思考。
The Beijing News on February 8, B26, “Ren Donglai Column,” published an international commentary titled “Monopolar or Multipolar.” This 1500 words to the article, writing clear-cut point of view, closely linked to the theme, the analysis was clear, solid materials, is an excellent masterpiece of international commentary. So, where is its writing characteristics? The first is straightforward, very neat and tidy. Starting with a single question: “Why Bush insisted on launching the war in Iraq?” - “The United States wants to be the real boss of the world and establish a unipolar world of its own.” From the very beginning, such a sharp argument was made Readers attention and thinking.