Based on the high frequency approximation theory, the complex ray expansion of plane wave is derived. The results obtained may be regarded as the basis of the n
The influence of silicon slice flatness on bonding technology and the relation between a foreign particle and resulting bubble are quantitatively presented by t
A current-mode MOS neuron circuit with 4-bit programmable weights is presented by using CMOS technology. The weights of the neurcn have high resolution and also
日前,上海外高桥造船有限公司与中船第九设计研究院工程有限公司"临港海工基地1 200 t框架式起重机"制造总包合同签约仪式举行。据悉,该起重机为中船九院公司首创的新型框架式
Zero-crossing of a derivative of Gaussian filter is a well-known edge location criterion. Examples are the Laplacian, the second derivative in the gradient dire
The characteristics of coherent radiation produced by a cylindrical electron beam passing through a rectangular waveguide and linearly polarized wiggler are stu
摘 要:体育比赛通常为一天或者几天完成几个项目的比赛。队员对项目的比赛,有的正常发挥水平,有的低于平时水平很多,由于成功发挥或失败都会给队员在赛后产生各种心理活动,也会伴随着各种积极消极的情绪体验,因此,对队员赛后的心理状态一定要进行分析,并把存在的问题采取必要的措施加以调整,如果忽视了这个问题,那就有可能对下项或下面所有项目的比赛带来不良影响,甚至有的队员因第一项失误造以成下几项不战自溃的心理境
A model of random particles constructed by the operation of self-similarity in fractalgeometry is presented.The correlation function of the number density has b