一、苗圃地的选择主要考虑经营管理方便和自然条件是否适宜。 (一) 经营条件:苗圃应选在造林地中心或附近,使培育出的苗木能适应造林地的环境条件,减少苗木的长途运输,降低造林成本,提高造林成活率。同时苗圃应尽量设在交通方便,有电源,靠近居民点的地方,使育苗物资能及时供应,便于解决动力和劳力的来源。
First, the choice of nursery to consider the main management convenience and natural conditions are appropriate. (A) operating conditions: Nursery should be selected at or near the center of afforestation, seedlings nurtured to adapt to the environmental conditions of afforestation, reduce the long-distance transport of seedlings, reduce afforestation costs and improve afforestation survival rate. Nursery at the same time should be located in the convenient traffic, power supply, near the residential areas, so that nursery supplies can be timely supply, easy to solve the source of motivation and labor.