
来源 :临床药物治疗杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuxh054
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目的为了了解医疗保险住院患者灯盏细辛、灯盏花素注射剂用药情况,进一步加强医疗保险费用管理,为制订北京市医疗保险政策提供科学依据,我们对2004年北京市5家医院医保患者灯盏细辛、灯盏花素注射剂使用情况进行了回顾性调查研究。方法抽取2004年北京市5家医保定点医院的738份使用灯盏细辛、灯盏花素注射剂的医保住院患者病历,填写北京市医疗保险住院患者“灯盏”注射剂用药情况调查原始数据表,对采集的数据进行病人基本信息、用药情况等方面的统计分析。结果被调查医保住院患者灯盏细辛注射剂平均剂量(172.4±19.1)mg,最大剂量225mg,最小剂量45mg;注射用灯盏花素平均剂量(45.2±12.0)mg,最大剂量100mg,最小剂量10mg;平均疗程(12.8±5.4)d,最长疗程55d,最短疗程1d;给药次数均为每日1次;给药途径均为静脉滴注;用药适应证总体与说明书适应证相符比例占28.3%,与2005年医保目录限制适应证相符率为57.6%;“灯盏”注射剂适应证人均合并使用药物5.6种;不良事件发生率为0.95%。结论北京地区医保住院患者使用“灯盏”注射剂存在不合理用药情况,北京市医疗保险管理等相关部门应采取措施,加强管理,规范用药行为。 Objective To understand the situation of medical insurance inpatients Dengzhan Asarum and Breviscapine Injection and further strengthen the management of medical insurance costs to provide a scientific basis for formulating Beijing’s medical insurance policy. We have provided medical assistance to five hospitals in Beijing in 2004. The use of breviscapine injections was retrospectively investigated. Methods A total of 738 medical records of inpatients using Erigeron breviscapus and Breviscapine injections were collected from 5 hospitals designated for medical insurance in 2004 in Beijing, and the raw data sheet for the investigation of Dengzhan injections for inpatients of Beijing medical insurance was completed. The data were statistically analyzed in terms of basic patient information and medication status. Results The mean dose of Dengzhanxin injection was 172.4±19.1 mg, the maximum dose was 225 mg, and the minimum dose was 45 mg; the average dose of breviscapine for injection was (45.2±12.0) mg, the maximum dose was 100 mg, and the minimum dose was 10 mg; The duration of treatment was (12.8±5.4) days, the longest duration was 55 days, the shortest course of treatment was 1 day; the frequency of administration was 1 time per day; the route of administration was intravenous drip; the proportion of medication indications in general was 28.3% of the indications. The conformity rate with the 2005 medical insurance list restriction indication was 57.6%; the use of 5.6 kinds of drugs for the “Emigone” injection indications were combined; the adverse event rate was 0.95%. Conclusion There are irrational drug use cases in hospitalized patients with medical insurance in Beijing. The related departments of Beijing medical insurance management should take measures to strengthen management and standardize medication behavior.
胃内容物包括十二指肠液反流入食管产生症状或并发症时,称为胃食管反流病(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease,GERD),主要包括反流性食管炎、内镜阴性的胃食管反流病(NERD)和Ba
目的 探讨开颅夹闭治疗颅内前循环破裂动脉瘤的效果.方法 采用随机平行对照法将107例颅内前循环破裂动脉瘤患者进行分组,对照组53例给予血管内介入治疗,观察组54例给予开颅夹
对71例楔形截骨术治疗肘内翻的患儿实施心理护理、疼痛护理、并发症观察及处理、功能锻炼等护理措施,患儿手术经过顺利,手术时间平均1.0h,术中出血20~30 mL.术后临床功能评定
目的 探讨内镜辅助下微血管减压术与常规显微血管减压术治疗面肌痉挛的临床效果与安全性.方法 选取面肌痉挛患者120例,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组60例,观察组采用内镜辅助
摘要:本文主要介绍高中政治教学中应注意的几个问题,如学生的学习兴趣的培养,教学中比较法的运用,以及正确把握政治学科的特点。本文还介绍了作者本人在高中政治教学中的一些心得和体会,如怎样去调动学生的学习兴趣,怎样利用好现有的教学资源等。  关键词:政治教学;学习兴趣;教学方法;教材    在高中的政治教学中,要以转变学生的学习方法和提高学生自主学习的能力为教学的重点。在教学的过程中让学生学会怎样去学习