明清以来,女性文化日趋繁荣。据胡文楷《历代妇女著作考》著录,中国古代女作家凡4 000余人,其中清代女性作家约3 500人。而在清代,仅江浙两省就有女作家3 000多人,著作约4 000种。江浙地区女性文化的繁荣,与本地区的历史沿革、文化渊源、人文景观、地域环境,以及明清以来城市化、商品化的发展等多方面的因素密切相关,相辅相成。生长于浙江仁和的吴藻,以其“父夫俱业贾”的家庭氛围,成为清代女性作家中的佼佼者。她的成就缘于个人的聪慧与勤勉,也更源于时代的机缘、地域文化的浸染。
Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, women’s culture has been booming. According to Hu Wenkai’s “Historical Writings of Women”, there are more than 4,000 female writers in ancient China, including about 3,500 female writers in the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 3,000 women writers and 4,000 books in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces alone. The prosperity of feminine culture in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is closely related to various factors such as the historical evolution, cultural origins, cultural landscape, regional environment, urbanization and commercialization in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Growing up in Wuhe, Renhe, Zhejiang Province, with its family atmosphere of “daddy husband Jia”, she became the leader among the female writers in the Qing Dynasty. Her achievements due to personal intelligence and diligence, but also from the opportunities of the times, the dissemination of regional culture.