摘要:目的:宫内节育器(IUD)是我国妇女普遍采用的长效节育措施,绝大多数受术者均能耐受常规行宫内节育器取出术,而绝经后妇女因生殖器官萎缩,宫颈组织变硬,弹性差,增加了取环的难度,甚至导致取环术失败。我们对绝经后妇女在取环前给予口服补佳乐7天,在取环过程中获得满意效果。方法: 我院对50例绝经后妇女进行取环术,探讨取环时间、取环前药物应用、取环方法等有关问题,对子宫萎缩、宫颈较紧的患者,我院采用取环前给予口服补佳乐的方法。结果: 取得理想效果。 关键词:绝经后妇女 补佳乐 取环术
To make up good uses in the menopause woman taking
Abstract:Objective:In the palace birth control (IUD) is the persistent effect birth control measure which our country woman uses generally,the overwhelming majority the birth control is taken out the technique even ability the conventional temporary palace in the technique,after because but the menopause the woman the reproductive organ withers,the cervix of the uterus organization changes hard,the elasticity was bad,increases has taken the link the difficulty,even caused to take the link technique defeat.After we the woman in take in front of the link the menopause to give the oral administration to make up good happy 7 days,in takes in the link process to obtain the satisfactory effect. Methods:my courtyard the woman carries on after 50 example menopauses takes the link technique,searches asks for the link time,takes in front of the link the medicine application,takes the link method and so on the related question,to the atrophia uteri,the cervix of the uterus tight patient,my courtyard uses takes in front of the link to give the oral administration to make up the good happy method.Results:obtains the ideal effect.
Keywords:The menopause the woman Makes up good Le Qu the link technique
【中图分类号】R71 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2010)12-0099-01
1 一般资料
2 治疗方法
术前填写统一取环表格,进行全面妇科检查,排除妇科其它疾病,B超检查确定环位,行常规取环术,初次顺利取出IUD者28例,其余因阴道、子宫、宫颈萎缩且缺乏弹性等原因首次取环失败的12例患者,行血、尿常规,肝、肾功检查无异常,术前7天内需无性生活史,无用药禁忌证。给予口服补佳乐片(每片1 mg,由拜耳医药保健有限公司生产)一次性3 mg,7 d后来院,按手术操作,常规取出IUD,术后常规给予抗炎药物预防感染。
3 结果
绝经后1年内取环者,初次取出者26例,绝经1年后取环者初次取出者只有2例,12例给予口服补佳乐片3 mg,3 d后再行取环术,20例顺利取出,2例仍未取出,因部分嵌顿宫腔,在B超引导下,将IUD拉至宫颈外口剪断,用抽丝法取出。
4 讨论
[1] 傅才英.手术学全集?妇产科卷[M].北京:人民军区出版社
[2] 周自永,王世祥.新编常用药物手册[M].北京:金盾出版社
[3] 王莉,刘川.绝经后妇女取金属单环宫内节育器40例临床分析[J].中国实用妇科与产科杂志
To make up good uses in the menopause woman taking
Abstract:Objective:In the palace birth control (IUD) is the persistent effect birth control measure which our country woman uses generally,the overwhelming majority the birth control is taken out the technique even ability the conventional temporary palace in the technique,after because but the menopause the woman the reproductive organ withers,the cervix of the uterus organization changes hard,the elasticity was bad,increases has taken the link the difficulty,even caused to take the link technique defeat.After we the woman in take in front of the link the menopause to give the oral administration to make up good happy 7 days,in takes in the link process to obtain the satisfactory effect. Methods:my courtyard the woman carries on after 50 example menopauses takes the link technique,searches asks for the link time,takes in front of the link the medicine application,takes the link method and so on the related question,to the atrophia uteri,the cervix of the uterus tight patient,my courtyard uses takes in front of the link to give the oral administration to make up the good happy method.Results:obtains the ideal effect.
Keywords:The menopause the woman Makes up good Le Qu the link technique
【中图分类号】R71 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2010)12-0099-01
1 一般资料
2 治疗方法
术前填写统一取环表格,进行全面妇科检查,排除妇科其它疾病,B超检查确定环位,行常规取环术,初次顺利取出IUD者28例,其余因阴道、子宫、宫颈萎缩且缺乏弹性等原因首次取环失败的12例患者,行血、尿常规,肝、肾功检查无异常,术前7天内需无性生活史,无用药禁忌证。给予口服补佳乐片(每片1 mg,由拜耳医药保健有限公司生产)一次性3 mg,7 d后来院,按手术操作,常规取出IUD,术后常规给予抗炎药物预防感染。
3 结果
绝经后1年内取环者,初次取出者26例,绝经1年后取环者初次取出者只有2例,12例给予口服补佳乐片3 mg,3 d后再行取环术,20例顺利取出,2例仍未取出,因部分嵌顿宫腔,在B超引导下,将IUD拉至宫颈外口剪断,用抽丝法取出。
4 讨论
[1] 傅才英.手术学全集?妇产科卷[M].北京:人民军区出版社
[2] 周自永,王世祥.新编常用药物手册[M].北京:金盾出版社
[3] 王莉,刘川.绝经后妇女取金属单环宫内节育器40例临床分析[J].中国实用妇科与产科杂志