作者采集了三种醉鱼草,包括球醉鱼草(Buddieja globosa),密蒙花(B、officinalis)和美洲醉鱼草(B.americana),发现其粗水提物对培养的肝细胞诱发的细胞毒素有某种抑制作用,没有发现对四氯化碳引起的细胞毒有明显的抑制作用。作者从球醉鱼草的叶中分离出两种新的环烯醚萜化合物:6-对甲氧基肉桂酰桃叶珊瑚甙(6-p-methoxycinnamoylaucibin)(1)和6-对甲氧基肉桂酰梓醇(6-p-methoxycinna-moylcatalpol)(2)。还分出了海胆甙(echinacoside)和黄酮甙,前者在醉鱼草属中
The authors collected three species of Buddleja, including Buddieja globosa, B. officinalis, and B. americana, and found that their crude water extract induced cultured hepatocytes. The cytotoxin has some kind of inhibitory effect and no significant inhibitory effect on the carbon tetrachloride-induced cytotoxicity has been found. The authors isolated two new iridoid compounds from the leaves of Buddleja philoxeroides: 6-p-methoxycinnamoylaucibin (1) and 6-p-methoxy 6-p-methoxycinna-moylcatalpol (2). Echinacoside and flavone glycosides were also isolated, the former being in the genus Buddleja