产芝水库位于莱西市大沽河中上游,是一座类似湖泊的大型水库,总库容4.02亿m3,淹没面积近0.4万hm2 (6万亩),正常养殖水面达2000hm2(3万亩)。流域面积879 km2,水量充沛,水质良好,无污染。由于水浅,光照时间长,溶氧充足,水域中天然生物饵料丰富,具备开展水库养鱼得天独厚的优越条件。
Located in the middle and upper reaches of the Dagu River in Laixi City, Ganzhi Reservoir is a large lake-like reservoir with a total storage capacity of 402 million m3, inundation area of nearly 40,000 hm2 (60,000 mu) and normal breeding water surface of 2,000 hm2 (30,000 mu). Watershed area of 879 km2, abundant water, good water quality, no pollution. Due to the shallow water, long time of light and adequate dissolved oxygen, the natural biological feedwater in the water area is rich, which is advantageous for carrying out the unique culture of the fish in the reservoir.