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大学时代,张珂曾是颇有名气的校园才子、诗人。那时候,中文系被视为优秀的学生有两类:一类是“搞研究”的,认真上课,记笔记,考试名列前茅,毕业后考研、读博:另一类是“搞创作”的,不怎么上课。却爱泡图书馆,考试前抄别人笔记,每天也上自习,不过不带书,面前放一叠稿纸,点一支烟,在那里喷云吐雾,冥思苦想。张珂自然属于“搞创作”的人,而且是其中的佼佼者。 University days, Zhang Ke was a famous campus wit, poet. At that time, there were two types of students who were regarded as excellent students in the Chinese language department. One was “engaging in research.” They took classes seriously, took notes and passed the exams. After graduation, Not very class. But love bubble library, copy notes before the exam, but also on a daily basis, but without a book, in front of a pile of manuscript paper, a cigarette, where the fog spit, meditation. Zhang Ke naturally belongs to “engage in creative” people, but also one of the best.
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