改革开放以来,随着人民生活水平的提高,收藏热也逐渐兴起。而在各种收藏中,连环画(也就是过去人们常说的小人书)收藏颇为引人注目。五六十年代出版的、定价几分钱一本的“小人书”,现在能涨到数千元,成为收藏品中升值较快的一种,因此,收藏者趋之若鹜,而连环画收藏,也成为人们精神生活中一个醒目的亮点。本期将两篇有关连环画收藏的文章编辑在一起,使读者不仅对连环画的历史和现状有所了解,也对连环画收藏这一独特的文化现象略窥一斑。 近年来,曾被人不屑一顾的64开本连环画(俗称“小人书”),身价暴涨。有行家认为,连环画的价值在若干年以后也许会大大增长,他们推测,未来几年,连环画将成为国家文化的宝贵财产。行家们以为——
Since the reform and opening up, with the improvement of people’s living standards, the heat of collection has also gradually emerged. In various collections, comic books (that is, people used to say in the past people’s books) collection is quite noticeable. Published in the 1950s and 1960s, “Little Man’s Book,” which costs a few cents a piece, can now rise to a few thousand dollars and become a rapidly growing collectible product. As a result, Become a striking bright spot in people’s spiritual life. In this installment, two articles about the collection of comic books are compiled so that readers not only understand the history and current status of comic books, but also visualize the unique cultural phenomenon of comic book collections. In recent years, 64 people have been dismissed the comic book (commonly known as “villain book”), soaring prices. Some experts believe that the value of comic books may increase significantly after a number of years, they speculate that the next few years, comic books will become a valuable asset of national culture. Experts think -