日本是世界上寿命最长的国家,据1989年《简明寿命表》公布的结果:日本人的平均寿命,男75.91岁,女81.77岁。日本人长寿的主要秘决是喜食水产品,每人每年平均消费水产品34.2kg。美国等国现在非常流行日本的食物结构。把鱼、贝类视为保健食品。水产品之所以有利于人的健康长寿,是因为其含有EPA,脂肪、氨基乙磺酸、酯酶、钙、硒、维生素B族等许多种人体健康所必需的营养成分,具有较高的营养价值。 EPA,名叫二十碳五烯酸,是一种一个分子中有20个碳。5个双键的高度不饱和脂肪酸,能防止血浆凝固成血栓。1978年,丹麦一名学者发现格陵兰岛的
Japan is the country with the longest life expectancy in the world. According to the 1989 Concise Life Table, the average life expectancy of Japanese people is 75.91 for men and 81.77 for women. The main secret of Japanese longevity is to eat aquatic products, which consume an average of 34.2kg of aquatic products per year. The United States and other countries are now very popular in Japan’s food structure. Fish, shellfish as health food. Aquatic products are beneficial to human health and longevity, because it contains EPA, fat, amino acid, esterase, calcium, selenium, vitamin B family and many other nutrients necessary for human health, with high nutrition value. EPA, called eicosapentaenoic acid, is a molecule that has 20 carbons. Five double bonds of highly unsaturated fatty acids, can prevent plasma coagulation thrombosis. In 1978, a Danish scholar discovered Greenland