Image sticking in liquid crystal display (LCD) is related to the residual direct current (DC) voltage (RDCV) on the cell and the dynamic response of the liquid crystal materials. According to the capacitance change of the liquid crystal cell under the DC
High-energy γ-photon generation via nonlinear Compton scattering and electron–positron pair creation via the Breit–Wheeler process driven by laser–plasma interaction are modeled, and a number of mechanisms are proposed. Owing to the small cross sec
The relationship between the off-axis angle of the recording setup and the quality of reconstructed particle images in digital off-axis holography is studied. The interference patterns of the same particles in the same plane are recorded at different off-
Digital holographic (DH) microscopy is a promising technique for quantitative phase contrast imaging. It provides complex amplitude of the object wavefront, which in turn yields the thickness distribution of the object. An added advantage of the technique