摘要: 旨在研究3種不同管理模式下不同苹果园[荒弃2年的人工果园(AM)、传统管理的人工果园(TM)和林下种植绿肥作物的有机果园(OM)]的昆虫群落组成及多样性特征,探究管理模式对苹果园昆虫群落结构及多样性的影响。共采集标本18 931个,其中昆本纲标本16 500个、蛛形纲标本2 431个,隶属于13个目、57个科、102个种。在3种不同管理模式下,人工管理果园(TM、OM)的昆虫群落结构较为相似,荒弃2年的果园(AM)与其差异较大;AM模式的昆虫数量(10 667头)和物种数量(102种)最多,OM模式的物种丰富度指数(1.60)、均匀性指数(0.77)、天敌昆虫(含捕食性昆虫和寄生性昆虫)比例(20.96%)和昆虫群落的稳定性指数I2(0.03)均最高。苹果绵蚜、始红蝽等植食性昆虫对管理模式变化的反应最敏感,主要分布于荒弃果园;小黄家蚁、草间小黑蛛等对管理模式变化的反应敏感程度最低,在AM、TM、OM 3种管理模式下个体数量的变化相对较稳定。综上,人工管理在一定程度上降低了果园昆虫个体数量和物种数量,提高了群落的物种多样性和稳定性,林下种植绿肥作物的有机管理模式最符合现代化果园管理的发展要求。
关键词: 苹果园;管理模式;昆虫群落;多样性
中图分类号: Q968 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-4440(2021)03-0589-08
Species composition and diversity of insect community in apple orchards with different management modes
LI Dong-yu1, CHEN Xiao-lu1, HAN Da-yong1, LIU Bei2, CUI Dong1
(1.College of Biological and Geographical Sciences, Yili Normal University, Yining 835000, China;2.Yili Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Yining 835000, China)
Abstract: The aim of this research is to study the insect community composition and diversity characteristics of different apple orchards (artificial orchard abandoned for two years, AM; traditional artificial orchard, TM; organic orchard with understory green manure crops, OM) under three different management modes and to explore the impact of management modes on the structure and diversity of the insect community in apple orchards of the Yili River Valley. A total of 18 931 specimens were collected, among them, 16 500 were Insecta specimens and 2 431 were Arachnid specimens, belonging to 102 species, 57 families and 13 orders. Under three different management modes, the insect community structures in artificial managed orchards (TM and OM) were similar, and were different from the orchard abandoned for two years (AM). The number of insect individuals (10 667) and species number (102) under AM mode were the highest, while the species richness (1.60), evenness index (0.77), proportion (20.96%) of natural enemy insects (contain predatory insects and parasitic insects) and stability index of insect community I2 (0.03) under OM mode were all the highest. Phytophagous insects such as Eriosoma lanigerum and Pyrrhocoris apterus were the most sensitive in responses to the change of management modes, which were mainly distributed in abandoned orchards. The response sensitivity of Monomorium pharaonis and Hylyphantes graminicola to the change of management modes was the lowest, and the individual number was relatively stable under AM, TM and OM management modes. In summary, artificial management reduced the number of insect individuals and species in the orchard to some extent, and improved the species diversity and stability of the community. The organic management mode of planting green manure crops under the forest was the most suitable for the development of modern orchard management. Key words: apple orchard;management mode;insect community;diversity
国内外很多研究者将昆虫群落多样性与区域性昆虫群落组成、昆虫功能团、昆虫群落稳定性等联系起来进行研究,在探讨生物多样性的理论意义方面取得了重要进展[11],为生态监测和害虫生态治理提供了基础。中国在昆虫生态学研究方面的起步相对较晚,在认识到昆虫物种多样性的意义后,中国各地区均对昆虫多样性进行了广泛研究[12-14]。目前,在中国关于昆虫群落多样性的研究中,分析得较多、较透的是关于生态保护区、湿地、草原等生境,主要围绕昆虫群落多样性与环境或生境变化之间的关系进行分析[15-17],而将昆虫生物多样性与生产实践相结合的研究相对较少,已有的研究仅有黄衍章[18]报道的常规管理和无公害管理荔枝果园昆虫功能团组成特征,陈飞龙等[19]报道的荒废野生的山核桃(Carya cathayensis)林、林下种植其他植物的山核桃林、用传统方式经营的山核桃林和参照有机化管理的山核桃林的昆虫群落结构,针对不同管理模式下苹果园昆虫群落组成和多样性特征的报道尚少见。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
研究区位于新疆天山北支和南支之间的伊犁河谷中部,属于蒙新干旱、半干旱区域河谷类型,具有非常典型的地形降水特点,且降雨量在西北干旱区比较突出,是中国5个具有陆地生物多样性的关键地区之一[20]。河谷各类果树总种植面积约为4.60×104 hm2,其中苹果的种植面积约为1.62×104 hm2[21]。表1为本试验选择的3种不同管理模式的苹果园概况,单个果园面积均大于1.33 hm2,平均树龄为15~20年。
1.2 试验方法
分别在3个研究地中随机选取生境相似的5个样方,每个样方面积为20 m2。通过扫网法、陷阱法和直接观察法对试验区内的昆虫资源进行调查。扫网法:用80目网眼的捕虫网(直径为0.40 m,网袋长1.08 m,手柄长1.50 m)在各个样点内随机扫20网(180°水平扫网,1个来回记作1网)。陷阱法:地表昆虫采用陷阱捕捉,在每个样方处随机用外口径0.10 m、高0.17 m的无色透明涤纶树脂(PET)杯布置陷阱。直接观察法:在扫网采集昆虫时,同组其他成员用眼睛直接观察并记录样点上方出现的昆虫种类和数量。果树冠层昆虫采集方法:每株树分东、西、南、北4个方位,每个方位随机选取中下部一个枝条上的3张叶片,连同枝条一起带回室内进行分类鉴定。
每隔20 d采样1次,遇到雨天顺延,调查时间为2019年5-10月,全年共调查9次。将采集到的蝶类、蜻蜓等昆虫放入三角纸袋中,其他昆虫经毒瓶处理后放入已做好标记的昆虫采集瓶中,带回实验室后进行分类鉴定和标本制作[22],在制作蝶类、蜻蜓等标本时需将其翅膀展开。
1.3 数据处理
1.3.1 多样性指数特征 采用香农-维纳多样性指数(H′),计算公式如下: H′=-Si=1PilnPi,式中,Pi为第i物种个体数量占群落总个体数量的比例;S为群落中的物种数量[23]。
物种均匀性指数(J)的计算公式如下:J= H′/lnS。式中,H′为香农-维纳多样性指数,S为群落中的物种数量[24]。
Margalef’s丰富度指数(E)的计算公式如下: E=(S-1)/lnN。式中,S为该群落中的物种数量,N为该群落中所有物种的个体数量[26]。
1.3.2 群落相對稳定性指数(I1、I2) 计算公式如下:I1=Sn/Sp。式中,Sn、Sp分别为天敌类昆虫物种数量、害虫类昆虫物种数量。I2=S/N。式中,S、N分别为群落中的物种数量、昆虫个体数量。
1.3.3 昆虫群落优势类群判定依据 优势类群对应的某类昆虫的个体数量占比
关键词: 苹果园;管理模式;昆虫群落;多样性
中图分类号: Q968 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-4440(2021)03-0589-08
Species composition and diversity of insect community in apple orchards with different management modes
LI Dong-yu1, CHEN Xiao-lu1, HAN Da-yong1, LIU Bei2, CUI Dong1
(1.College of Biological and Geographical Sciences, Yili Normal University, Yining 835000, China;2.Yili Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Yining 835000, China)
Abstract: The aim of this research is to study the insect community composition and diversity characteristics of different apple orchards (artificial orchard abandoned for two years, AM; traditional artificial orchard, TM; organic orchard with understory green manure crops, OM) under three different management modes and to explore the impact of management modes on the structure and diversity of the insect community in apple orchards of the Yili River Valley. A total of 18 931 specimens were collected, among them, 16 500 were Insecta specimens and 2 431 were Arachnid specimens, belonging to 102 species, 57 families and 13 orders. Under three different management modes, the insect community structures in artificial managed orchards (TM and OM) were similar, and were different from the orchard abandoned for two years (AM). The number of insect individuals (10 667) and species number (102) under AM mode were the highest, while the species richness (1.60), evenness index (0.77), proportion (20.96%) of natural enemy insects (contain predatory insects and parasitic insects) and stability index of insect community I2 (0.03) under OM mode were all the highest. Phytophagous insects such as Eriosoma lanigerum and Pyrrhocoris apterus were the most sensitive in responses to the change of management modes, which were mainly distributed in abandoned orchards. The response sensitivity of Monomorium pharaonis and Hylyphantes graminicola to the change of management modes was the lowest, and the individual number was relatively stable under AM, TM and OM management modes. In summary, artificial management reduced the number of insect individuals and species in the orchard to some extent, and improved the species diversity and stability of the community. The organic management mode of planting green manure crops under the forest was the most suitable for the development of modern orchard management. Key words: apple orchard;management mode;insect community;diversity
国内外很多研究者将昆虫群落多样性与区域性昆虫群落组成、昆虫功能团、昆虫群落稳定性等联系起来进行研究,在探讨生物多样性的理论意义方面取得了重要进展[11],为生态监测和害虫生态治理提供了基础。中国在昆虫生态学研究方面的起步相对较晚,在认识到昆虫物种多样性的意义后,中国各地区均对昆虫多样性进行了广泛研究[12-14]。目前,在中国关于昆虫群落多样性的研究中,分析得较多、较透的是关于生态保护区、湿地、草原等生境,主要围绕昆虫群落多样性与环境或生境变化之间的关系进行分析[15-17],而将昆虫生物多样性与生产实践相结合的研究相对较少,已有的研究仅有黄衍章[18]报道的常规管理和无公害管理荔枝果园昆虫功能团组成特征,陈飞龙等[19]报道的荒废野生的山核桃(Carya cathayensis)林、林下种植其他植物的山核桃林、用传统方式经营的山核桃林和参照有机化管理的山核桃林的昆虫群落结构,针对不同管理模式下苹果园昆虫群落组成和多样性特征的报道尚少见。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
研究区位于新疆天山北支和南支之间的伊犁河谷中部,属于蒙新干旱、半干旱区域河谷类型,具有非常典型的地形降水特点,且降雨量在西北干旱区比较突出,是中国5个具有陆地生物多样性的关键地区之一[20]。河谷各类果树总种植面积约为4.60×104 hm2,其中苹果的种植面积约为1.62×104 hm2[21]。表1为本试验选择的3种不同管理模式的苹果园概况,单个果园面积均大于1.33 hm2,平均树龄为15~20年。
1.2 试验方法
分别在3个研究地中随机选取生境相似的5个样方,每个样方面积为20 m2。通过扫网法、陷阱法和直接观察法对试验区内的昆虫资源进行调查。扫网法:用80目网眼的捕虫网(直径为0.40 m,网袋长1.08 m,手柄长1.50 m)在各个样点内随机扫20网(180°水平扫网,1个来回记作1网)。陷阱法:地表昆虫采用陷阱捕捉,在每个样方处随机用外口径0.10 m、高0.17 m的无色透明涤纶树脂(PET)杯布置陷阱。直接观察法:在扫网采集昆虫时,同组其他成员用眼睛直接观察并记录样点上方出现的昆虫种类和数量。果树冠层昆虫采集方法:每株树分东、西、南、北4个方位,每个方位随机选取中下部一个枝条上的3张叶片,连同枝条一起带回室内进行分类鉴定。
每隔20 d采样1次,遇到雨天顺延,调查时间为2019年5-10月,全年共调查9次。将采集到的蝶类、蜻蜓等昆虫放入三角纸袋中,其他昆虫经毒瓶处理后放入已做好标记的昆虫采集瓶中,带回实验室后进行分类鉴定和标本制作[22],在制作蝶类、蜻蜓等标本时需将其翅膀展开。
1.3 数据处理
1.3.1 多样性指数特征 采用香农-维纳多样性指数(H′),计算公式如下: H′=-Si=1PilnPi,式中,Pi为第i物种个体数量占群落总个体数量的比例;S为群落中的物种数量[23]。
物种均匀性指数(J)的计算公式如下:J= H′/lnS。式中,H′为香农-维纳多样性指数,S为群落中的物种数量[24]。
Margalef’s丰富度指数(E)的计算公式如下: E=(S-1)/lnN。式中,S为该群落中的物种数量,N为该群落中所有物种的个体数量[26]。
1.3.2 群落相對稳定性指数(I1、I2) 计算公式如下:I1=Sn/Sp。式中,Sn、Sp分别为天敌类昆虫物种数量、害虫类昆虫物种数量。I2=S/N。式中,S、N分别为群落中的物种数量、昆虫个体数量。
1.3.3 昆虫群落优势类群判定依据 优势类群对应的某类昆虫的个体数量占比