为了解高速公路建设和运营对其两侧土壤动物多样性的影响及大型土壤动物群落多样性的季节动态,笔者于2013年5月、8月和10月对京哈高速公路德惠段两侧大型土壤动物群落组成和多样性进行了研究。研究中共捕获大型土壤动物7 596只,隶属5纲10目11科。正蚓科和东京弓背蚁均是公路两侧的优势类群。高速公路土壤动物的个体密度、类群数、多样性指数和优势度指数在季节间存在显著差异。典范对应分析研究表明:气温和降水量是影响大型土壤动物群落的主要环境因子;大型土壤动物的多样性并不随着与高速公路的距离的增加而增大;大型土壤动物多样性特征在季节之间的差异大于样点之间的差异,主要原因与区域尺度及气候因子有关。
In order to understand the impact of expressway construction and operation on soil animal diversity on both sides and the seasonal dynamics of the diversity of soil macrofauna communities, I conducted a survey on the two sides of Dehui section of Jingha Expressway in May, August and October 2013 The composition and diversity of macro-fauna community were studied. In the study, a total of 7 596 large soil animals were captured, belonging to 5 orders, 10 orders and 11 families. Genus and Tokyo dorsal ant are both dominant groups on both sides of the road. The individual density, number of taxa, diversity index and dominance index of soil animal in expressway are significantly different in the seasons. The analysis of canonical correspondence shows that air temperature and precipitation are the main environmental factors that affect the soil macrofauna community. The diversity of macrofauna does not increase with the distance from expressway. The characteristics of macrofauna diversity in the season The difference between samples is greater than the difference between samples, mainly due to the regional scale and climate factors.