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在现代社会中,能源是国民经济发展的基础和前提。核能以前的传统能源都取于物质的分子、原子级别变化所释放的能量。原子核能的利用大致分为利用重原子核裂变和轻原子核聚变所释放的巨大能量。原子核能的和平利用在第二次世界大战之后的50年代开始实现。经过试验性原子核反应堆阶段到20世纪90年代,人们不但可创造100万千瓦的核电站用反应堆,而且这方面已经形成一个巨大的综合性的高技术工业部门。原子核反应堆不但被用来做成各种形式的核电站、热电站,而且做成大型军舰、潜水艇、战略轰炸机的动力装置。 目前比较成熟的核工业技术是建造热中子核裂变反应堆,基本结构是以235U为核燃料、以H_2O为慢化剂和冷却剂的释放原子核能的工业规模“锅炉”,世界上已经建成的数百个核电站有一大部分是这类核反应堆,我国已建成的秦山核电站、大亚湾核电站就是这种压力水堆。除这种堆型,还有一些核反应堆是重水慢化轻水冷却,石墨慢化氮气冷却,石墨慢化轻水冷却的。其他结构的如溶盐、液态金属等参加作为工作物质的都没有形成大规模的核技术。在核能发展过程中,快中子堆的研究开发在有的国家也投入了不少力量,但现在主要发展的还是热中子核反应堆。 In modern society, energy is the basis and prerequisite for the development of the national economy. The traditional energy sources prior to nuclear energy were taken from the molecules of matter and the energy released by changes in the atomic level. The use of atomic nuclear energy is broadly divided into the use of massive energy released by heavy nuclear fission and light nuclear fusion. The peaceful use of nuclear energy began in the 1950s after the Second World War. From the experimental nuclear reactor stage to the 1990s, people could not only create 1 million kilowatts of reactors for nuclear power plants, but also has formed a huge and comprehensive high-tech industrial sector. Nuclear reactors are not only used to make various forms of nuclear power plants, thermal power stations, but also power devices for large warships, submarines, and strategic bombers. At present, the more mature nuclear industry technology is the construction of thermal neutron nuclear fission reactors. The basic structure is an industrial-scale “boiler” that releases nuclear energy with 235U nuclear fuel and H2O as moderator and coolant. A large part of the 100 nuclear power plants is such nuclear reactors. The Qinshan nuclear power station and Daya Bay nuclear power station that have been constructed in China are such pressure water reactors. In addition to this type of reactor, there are some nuclear reactors that are heavy water moderated and light water cooled, graphite is slowed by nitrogen cooling, and graphite is slowed by light water cooling. Other structures such as dissolved salts, liquid metals, etc. that participated in the work as substances did not form a large-scale nuclear technology. In the development of nuclear energy, the research and development of fast neutron reactors has also invested a lot of power in some countries, but now the main development is still thermal neutron reactors.
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